Participate in the European Week of Sustainable Energy, EUSEW 2023!

The Sustainable Energy Week, EUSEW 2023, will be held in a hybrid format and four Participation Modalities are planned, each with different participation processes and calendars:

  1. Organisation of a Policy session. Applications open until 1st February, 2023: See info
  2. Participation with a stand at the Energy Fair. Applications open until 2nd March, 2023: See info
  3. EUSEW Awards. Applications for all award categories are open until 9th February, 2023: See info Three award categories that recognise innovative projects, local energy initiatives and women who are having a significant impact on Europe’s transition to renewable energy and higher energy efficiency.
  1. Sustainable Energy Conferences – March/June: Local events around the world; Online or in person. 14th February, 2023, the application processes open

European Sustainable Energy Week 2023

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#WorldSoilDay #DíaMundialdelSuelo

On the occasion of World Soil Day, we are sharing a contribution from the Region of Murcia to respond to the challenges of sustainable management