A direct connection
to Europe
Global vision
The INFO Europe team works to understand and obtain a complete overview of all the opportunities offered by the EU environment, meaning we can offer companies rigorous information to suit their diverse needs.
Preparedness, Participation and Influence
Thanks to on-site work in Brussels, we know the latest developments on the EU agenda in advance and transmit them quickly. In addition, the presence in Brussels facilitates the defence of the interests of regional companies in terms of EU regulations or financing programmes.
Bridge between companies and the EU
INFO helps you get closer to EU institutions as well as to potential partners from other EU regions, thanks to its active participation in EU networks and its Brussels office.
INFO’s strategic role
The Instituto de Fomento
, as the leading regional body for the promotion of region development, the internationalisation and competitiveness of companies, and innovation and digital transformation, includes as part of its 1986 Creation Law the need to look to Europe (broadly consolidated in Law 9/2006). The aim is to fully exploit the opportunities that belonging to the European Union offers to all the agents of the ecosystem of innovation and socio-economic development of the Region of Murcia.
Download Info Plan Europe 2023-2027
More than 30 years managing EU Funds
Since 1990, INFO has managed a part of the European Structural Funds that correspond to the Region of Murcia, aimed at business competitiveness and promoting research, technological development and innovation.
This work is carried out in close coordination with the General Directorate of European Budgets and Funds of the CARM, the Ministry of Finance and the General Directorate of Regional Policy of the European Commission (DG REGIO).
This work is carried out in close coordination with the General Directorate of European Budgets and Funds of the CARM, the Ministry of Finance and the General Directorate of Regional Policy of the European Commission (DG REGIO).

The Instituto de Fomento channels investments through direct grants or different financial instruments and in different areas such as innovation, digital transformation, entrepreneurship, business growth and internationalisation.
advise and representation
In 1989, the opening of the Murcia Region office in Brussels saw us take an important role as one the first Spanish regions to establish itself in the Belgian capital. The office, today linked to the organic structure of the Autonomous Community, currently reports directly to the Instituto de Fomento of the Region of Murcia and the General Directorate of the European Union of the CARM, thus constituting a key bridge of information, advice and representation between the Region of Murcia and the European institutions, and other organisms, networks and EU regions.
INFO/EU strategic framework
FEDER Management
FEDER Management
More informationRIS4Mur
More informationagoraDIH
More informationRIS4MUR Smart Specialisation Strategy
Since 2014, one of the necessary conditions to receive funding from the EU Structural Funds is the existence of a “smart specialisation strategy”, a regional strategy that sets research and innovation investment priorities in a limited set of priorities to create a competitive advantage.
The Development Institute coordinates the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Region of Murcia, RIS4Mur, promoting a new model of economic transformation in those areas where the Region of Murcia can be more competitive:
The Development Institute coordinates the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Region of Murcia, RIS4Mur, promoting a new model of economic transformation in those areas where the Region of Murcia can be more competitive:
- Agri-food water usage / environment and logistics / transport.
- Traction activities: energy, maritime and marine.
- Quality of life: tourism, health, habitat.