Funding opportunities 2023 – 2024 for the Horizon Europe EU Research and Innovation Programmes

The European Commission has published the work programmes of the Horizon Europe programmes. They establish the funding opportunities for research and innovation projects for the period 2023-2024. By clicking on this link, you can find out more information on the work programmes set out for the different pillars.

What is a work programme? Each work programme includes a series of coherent calls for proposals, destinations and topics.

  • Each destination describes the socio-economic challenges to be addressed and the corresponding expected impacts to which the R&I activities will contribute and includes one or more topics that describe the expected results and scope of the research and innovation activities that they intend to support. 
  • The expected results/expected outcomes are the desired effects of the project in the medium term, such as the adoption, diffusion, use or deployment of the project results.
  • The scope describes the area of ​​research/innovation that must be addressed in order to successfully achieve the expected results, without indicating the methods to achieve them. This means that it is down to the creativity and ability of the applicants to design a project that generates success and contributes substantially to the expected results and impacts.
  • Each topic also establishes the general conditions, timeframes, budget and any specific conditions that may apply.
  • The topics are grouped into calls for proposals, which is a technical term for a number of topics that share the opening deadline for the submission of applications. 

General Annexes include the general conditions applicable to the announcement of the work programmes, such as rules on eligibility, details on how to submit an application and the evaluation procedure.

Horizon Europe. European Commission

Spain Portal – CDTI. Horizon Europe

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